Car posing, tuning dating platform, but no trivial offense

Speed mania, help the train!
Car posing, tuning dating platform, but no trivial offense
The engines roar late into the night. The tires squeal. It's unbearable! It's not just residents of typical meeting places of the speeding and tuning scene who complain like this.
Arndt Rother

The behavior of some drivers, mostly of high-horsepower production vehicles, who drive aimlessly but unmistakably through Duisburg's streets honking their horns and listening to loud music, is an intolerable nuisance that citizens' initiatives are also campaigning against.

During police operations and checks, unauthorized tuning, unnecessary driving back and forth and exceeding the speed limit are repeatedly detected. For this reason, police checks are also planned for the future.

In order to show posers and would-be racers their limits, the new catalog of fines offers possibilities that go beyond warnings and fines for administrative offenses. Offenses can also lead to the seizure of vehicles.

Here are some examples:


  • Unnecessary driving back and forth in urban areas: 20 euros
  • .... with nuisance to others: 100 euros
  • unnecessary noise and/or exhaust pollution (e.g. warming up the vehicle): 80 euros
  • Unauthorized stopping in the second row: 55 euros
  • ...with obstruction: 70 euros
  • ...with endangerment: 80 euros / 1 point
  • ...resulting in an accident: 100 euros / 1 point
  • Unauthorized stopping on protective lanes for bicycle traffic: 55 euros
  • ...with obstruction: 70 euros / 1 point
  • ...with endangerment: 80 euros / 1 point
  • ...resulting in an accident: 100 euros / 1 point
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110