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Crime Directorate
The head of the Crime Directorate is Criminal Director Guido Henn.

The Crime Directorate comprises eight criminal investigation departments, including the State Security Police, as well as the Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department.

The criminal investigation departments:

Criminal investigation departments deal with crimes depending on the type of offense.

Criminal Investigation Department 11 is responsible for:

Death investigations, bodily injury offenses, arson, extortion, environmental offenses, weapons offenses, juvenile crime, KURS (concept for dealing with sex offenders at risk of recidivism), intensive juvenile offenders, missing persons, sexual offenses, sexual offenses, child pornography, offenses to the detriment of children, offenses involving TV under 18, domestic violence, stalking

Criminal Investigation Department 12 is responsible for:

White-collar crime, corruption offences, investigations that are pending or are likely to become pending at a public prosecutor's office specializing in white-collar crime or corruption, other white-collar crime offences and comparable corruption and environmental offences where special knowledge of economic life is required to assess and solve the case, environmental offences where the deployment of white-collar criminologists is required (in relation to organized crime), offences committed by public officials, offences against law enforcement officers

Criminal Investigation Department 13 is responsible for:

Investigations in the area of organized crime in general and drug trafficking, trusted person management, analysis and evaluation unit for organized crime, financial investigations

Criminal Investigation Department 14 is responsible for:

Fraud, forgery, perjury, computer crime, IT investigation support, fuel fraud, benefit fraud, breach of maintenance obligations

Criminal Investigation Department 21 is responsible for:

Robbery, motor vehicle offenses, burglary offenses (e.g. residential burglaries), receiving stolen goods, property offenses, damage to property, simple assault, offenses against public order, offenses against the personal sphere, fraudulent concealment of benefits, fuel fraud, private prosecution offenses, offenses without an investigation

Criminal Investigation Department 22 is responsible for:

Criminal investigation, manhunts, drug-related crime, violations of immigration law

Criminal Investigation Department 23 is responsible for:

Detection service, forensic examination, crime laboratory, dactyloscopy, photo laboratory

The State Security Criminal Investigation Department is responsible for:

Politically motivated crime, combating terrorism, crimes in connection with demonstrations

Criminal Investigation Department Crime Prevention and Victim Protection is responsible for:

Behavioral and addiction prevention, preventive youth protection, technical advice, victim protection

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110