Pupils listen to the presentation by the dog team and sit on the floor
Girls' and Boys' Day 2024 with the MG police
At Mönchengladbach police headquarters, around 30 pupils in years 8 to 11 had the opportunity to find out whether a career in the police could be something for them

The aim of the day is to give pupils an insight into the different areas of the police profession as part of their career orientation.

Together with recruitment consultant POK Mirela Kruth, around 30 pupils from years 8 to 11 took a day tour of the police station and got to know different areas of police work.

The day began at nine o'clock with a welcome from POK Kruth and was followed by a presentation of the equipment used by the Federal Police Hundreds in the authority's own sports hall. The pupils had the opportunity to slip into various uniform items and take part in a short training session.

After a short break, it was time for training with what is known as "man's best friend". 
The deployment possibilities and training procedures of the service dogs could be marveled at in the inner courtyard of the authority.

The last stop for the boys and girls was our Forensic Investigation Unit (KTU). 
Here, they diligently examined evidence and learned about dactyloscopy.

At 2 pm, POK Mirela Kruth handed out the certificates of participation for the day and all the students were released to go home.

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