New e-mobility - what you need to know

Cyclist almost hit by a car
New e-mobility - what you need to know
"369 road accidents with personal injury (2022: 380) involved a cyclist (cyclist = bicycle and pedelec), 304 of which occurred within built-up areas (2022: 303).

Four people (2022: 3) were killed as cyclists, 55 (2022: 74) were seriously injured and 316 (2022: 321) were slightly injured. The number of cyclists involved in accidents fell by 5.8% from 398 to 375 in 2023 - this is an extract from the road accident statistics published for 2023 and shows how important the issue of road safety is - especially for cyclists.

We want you to always get home safely - whether on foot, on two, four or six wheels, motorized or non-motorized. In road traffic, this means for everyone: watch out, keep your eyes open, drive carefully and don't be afraid to take a little too much of a risk.

New means of transportation such as pedelecs, S-pedelecs, e-bikes and e-scooters in particular require safe operation and a good "knowledge of the features". And to prevent "get on, ride off, crash, fall", it helps to know the special features and characteristics of the vehicles.

You can find all the important information here on the right-hand side of this page.

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