Inspection of bicycles
Road safety work - Traffic accident prevention - Victim protection
The goals of traffic accident prevention in brief: fewer (serious) traffic accidents, greater awareness of the dangers of road traffic, a greater sense of safety among the population.

The team of road safety advisors at Mönchengladbach Police Headquarters consists of five colleagues who have undergone special training to qualify them in the field of road accident prevention and victim protection following road accidents. The focus of this training is in particular on acquiring pedagogical, methodological and communication skills.

The road safety advisors are the point of contact for all preventive, repressive and public relations measures to promote compliant behavior on the part of road users.


Traffic accident prevention/victim protection (VUP/O) includes, among other things:

  • Confidence-building measures and pedestrian training in daycare centers
  • Mobility education (e.g. bicycles) in primary and secondary schools in theory and practice
  • Pupil crossing guard training in primary schools
  • Traffic education for all age and target groups (e.g. school environment inspections, development of cycling routes)
  • Crash course NRW - state-wide program to raise awareness of compliant behaviour in road traffic for young drivers
  • Collaboration with press and public relations
  • Special events (e.g. "Eicken is colorful", Return family day, Hephata carriage ride, etc.)
  • Victim protection: support for victims and their relatives after serious traffic accidents
  • Information events in daycare centers, schools and senior centers
  • Rollator training for senior citizens
  • Installation of life-size metal figures with messages to promote norm-compliant behavior in the urban area.
  • Information events for young parents regarding restraint systems
  • Cooperation with various road safety organizations (e.g. Deutsche Verkehrswacht)
  • Collaboration with other cooperation partners (e.g. SSK Mönchengladbach, Borussia, NEW etc.)


We differentiate between the following age groups when working with our target groups:

  • Children (0 to 14 years)
  • Adolescents (15 to 17 years)
  • Young adults (18 to 24 years)
  • Adults (25 to 64 years)
  • Seniors (aged 65 and over)


The entire VUP/O team will be happy to answer any questions and suggestions you may have about any of the above areas of work!


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110